maanantai 17. helmikuuta 2020

Vegan crispy Korean BBQ tofu

I must admit that I made this tofu dish a bit reluctantly because I have never really liked the "slimy" bits of tofu I've sometimes eaten. But I took the bull by the horns when I got hold of this gorgeous recipe
And it did turn out extraordinarily well, both the taste and the consistency were spot on. Sweet and spicy thanks to the beloved Gochujang paste in combination with tomato, apple, vinegar and spices. And by pressing the tofu free from its liquids before frying it, the consistency wasn't slimy at all, but hard and nice.

Here are the ingredients you'll need:

1 block extra firm tofu
1,2 dl (1/2 cup) tomato sauce, canned
0,6 dl (1/4 cup) rice wine vinegar
0,6 dl (1/4 cup) soy sauce
2 tablespoons Agave syrup
2 teaspoons Gochujang paste
1 small apple, finely grated
2 cloves garlic, finely grated
2-4 cm (1 inch) fresh ginger, finely grated
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
1,2 dl (1/2 cup) corn starch (I needed only about half that amount)
1 teaspoon salt
oil for frying
scallions/chives/other greens for serving
rice/veggies for serving

1. Start by pressing your tofu. Press the block for at least 30 minutes (the longer the better) between paper towels that absorb the liquid. Use a weight like a heavy frying pan or kettle. Change the towels once in a while. I had my tofu under press for a few hours until it was really dry.
2. Make the Korean BBQ sauce first. In a medium sized mixing bowl, whisk together the tomato sauce, rice wine vinegar, soy sauce, agave, Gochujang, the finely grated apple, garlic and ginger, and the sesame seeds. Whisk until combined. Set aside.
3. Take your pressed block of tofu, cut into cubes. Add the tofu to a large mixing bowl, sprinkle with the corn starch and salt. Toss to coat all of the tofu.
4. Heat a little bit of oil at the bottom of a non-stick pan on medium high. Add the tofu to the pan, don't overcrowd it. If the pan is too small to fit all of the tofu, do it in two batches.
5. Brown the tofu on all sides, reducing the heat as needed. It will take a few minutes on each side to get the tofu nice and crispy. Remove all of the tofu from the pan and place it in a bowl.
6. Wipe out leftover oil. Then return the pan to the heat and add about half of the Korean BBQ sauce. Heat on low for a minute, then add all of the tofu back into the pan. Then remove from heat. Serve immediately with rice or veggies or both. Drizzle the remaining sauce on top and garnish with scallions or chives. I used watercress , babyfennel and mustard flowers.

I made oven-roasted potato wedges and Brussels sprouts instead of rice. As a side I also served some spicy boiled black beluga lentils in small snack peppers.

3 kommenttia:

  1. Ser gott ut. Har haft samma fördomar mot tofu, men har på sistone nog några gånger fått smaka på riktigt god tofu. Hemligheten är i kryddningen (och pressande av extra vätska).
    Kan annars varmt rekommendera Siam Spicy Thai Vegeterian Cuisine på östra sidan av Kvarnbron i Åbo. Supergoda vegetariska lunchportioner����. Bra kryddat och grönsakerna är alltid tillredda perfekt ”al dente”����. Alla som påstår att vegetarisk mat smaklös och intetsägande borde gå dit och prova.

    1. Tack för tipset Pati! Ska lägga det bakom örat. Älskar att experimentera med grönsaksrätter och allt hänger ju nog på kryddningen faktiskt. Åt en 6 rätters veganskt meny på Kajo i Tammerfors härom dagen. "Fabulous"...värt att testa!

  2. Blogin hallinnoija on poistanut tämän kommentin.
